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5. 酒蔵ツアー​
SAKE Brewery tour

清酒蔵を巡りながら日本の食や伝統に触れるプライベートツアーを企画・運営しています 。







We offer private tours where you can experience Japanese food and traditions while touring sake breweries that produce sake.

I myself was born and raised in Kanagawa (south region of Tokyo) and grew up in an environment where I had little exposure to the Japanese countryside.

Even as a Japanese person, whenever I visit a sake brewery, I am always impressed by the wonders of traditional Japanese techniques of SAKE making, the warmth of the people, and the richness of the food culture.

I would like people visiting Japan to experience something like this. With this in mind, we started the sake brewery tour.

The sake brewery tour we offer is different from a typical group tour; by traveling with a guide who is an international sake instructor, you will learn the basics of sake. Unlike formal sake seminars, this is a tour that can only be experienced here, where you can immerse yourself in the sake world by actually traveling while interacting with the sake brewers.

ツアー旅程イメージ _ 2泊3日 秋田酒蔵ツーリズム (横手・湯沢・秋田エリア)

About places we visit




​​DAY 1

  • 7:30       :東京駅出発(新幹線車内で軽食)

  • ​11:30     :秋田駅到着

  • 11:45     :ミニバスで横手へ移動

  • 12:45     :清酒蔵 木村酒造見学到着

  • 12:50~14:30:清酒蔵 木村酒造見学 (日本酒の基本について / 蔵内見学)

  • 14:45     :清酒蔵 木村酒造見学出発

  • ​14:45~15:15:増田町内見学

  • 15:30     :川連漆器工芸館到着

  • 15:30~17:00:川連漆 蒔絵体験

  • 17:15     :ホテルプラザ迎賓到着

  • 18:30     :夕食











【 ホテルプラザ迎賓】



【 ホテルプラザ迎賓】


​​DAY 2

  • 9:30         :ホテルプラザ迎賓出発

  • ​10:00       :味噌醬油蔵 石孫本店到着

  • 10:00~11:30  :味噌醬油蔵見学、味噌ボールつくり体験

  • 11:45~13:30  :清酒蔵 日の丸醸造見学(ペアリングについて知る/ペアリングランチ)

  • 13:30       :清酒蔵 日の丸醸造出発

  • 14:00       :いぶりがっこ 到着

  • 14:00~15:00  :いぶりがっこ見学・体験

  • 15:00       :いぶりがっこ出発

  • 16:00       :ホテルメトロポリタン秋田       到着

  • 18:30       :夕食(秋田郷土料理店にてなまはげ体験)







世界でも日本食の人気が高まり、寿司(SUSHI)や味噌汁(MISO SOUP)は今や世界食となりました。しかし醤油や味噌がどのように造られているか、知っている人は少ないと思います。日本だからこそできる「醤油・味噌テイスティング」を是非体験しましょう。見学内ではツアー後、ご自宅でも簡単に試せる「味噌玉」づくりの体験も可能です。















​​DAY 3

  • 9:30         :ホテルメトロポリタン秋田 出発

  • ​9:45~10:30    :秋田駅お土産時間

  • 11:00              :秋田駅出発

  • 15:00              :東京駅到着

Tour itinerary example_ 3 days and 2 nights Akita Sake Brewery Tourism (Yokote, Yuzawa, Akita area)

About places we visit


Akita is one of the prefectures in Japan with a unique culture. However, it only accounts for 0.45% of all foreign visitors to Japan. On the other hand, it can be said that it is a place where you can experience the "real Japan'' that you cannot see in the Golden date tourist destinations such as Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka.

Another charm of Akita is the fermentation culture that has been passed down in Japan for a long time, such as  sake and Iburigakko.

​​DAY 1

  • 7:30           :Depart from Tokyo Station (light snack on board the Shinkansen)

  • ​11:30         :Arrival at Akita Station

  • 11:45          : Move to Yokote by minibus

  • 12:45          : Arrive at Kimura Sake Brewery tour

  • 12:50-14:30: Kimura Sake Brewery Tour (Basics of Sake / Brewery Tour)

  • 14:45          : Departure for Kimura Sake Brewery tour

  • ​14:45-15:15: Tour of Masuda Town

  • 15:30          : Arrive at Kawatsura Lacquerware Crafts Museum

  • 15:30-17:00: Kawatsura lacquer makie experience

  • 17:15          : Guest arrival at Hotel Plaza

  • 18:30          : Dinner


【Kimura Sake Brewery】

Kimura Sake Brewery was founded in 1615 and has a history of over 400 years, making it one of the oldest sake breweries in Akita prefecture.
On the first day of the sake brewery tour, you will learn about the history of sake while touring the brewery.


【Kimura Sake Brewery】

On the first day of the sake brewery tour, you will learn about how to make sake. By learning the basics of sake and then taking a tour of the brewery, you will be able to deepen your understanding of sake. Inside the brewery, there are many places where you can feel the history of sake brewing, such as the steam kiln used in the Edo period and the tools used for sake brewing.


【Kawatsura Lacquerware Crafts Museum】

After the sake brewery tour, we will next visit the Kawatsura Lacquerware Crafts Museum located next to Yuzawa City. Kawatsura lacquerwar has over 800 years history. At the craft museum, you can try your hand at drawing your favorite designs on sake vessels (from the next day onwards, you can drink sake with your own sake vessels). At the craft museum, you can purchase tableware such as chopsticks, trays and bowls.


【Hotel Plaza Geihin】

On the first day, relax at the hotel to relieve the fatigue of traveling. Hotel Plaza Geihin is the best hotel in the area with a natural hot spring and open-air bath. There is a wide variety of guest rooms, including Western-style rooms, Japanese-style rooms, and Japanese-Western rooms. If there is space, we will prepare a room according to your request.


【Hotel Plaza Geihin】

Food is the real pleasure of traveling. We offer a kaiseki course that uses plenty of Yokote Kuroge Wagyu beef, seasonal seafood, and vegetables. Of course, our guide, who is also a sake expert, will choose the sake that will go well with your meal. Please enjoy the ultimate marriage that can only be enjoyed at the time of your visit.

​​DAY 2

  • 9:30            :Hotel Plaza Geihin departure

  • 10:00          :Arrival at Miso Soy Yugura Ishigo Main Store

  • 10:00-11:30 : Miso miso oil brewery tour, miso ball making experience

  • 11:45-13:30 : Sake brewery Hinomaru brewing tour (Learn about pairing/pairing lunch)

  • 13:30           : Sake brewery Hinomaru brewing departure

  • 14:00           : Arrival at Iburigakko

  • 14:00-15:00 : Iburigakko tour/experience

  • 15:00           : Departure from Iburigakko

  • 16:00           : Arrival at Hotel Metropolitan Akita

  • 18:30           : Dinner (Namahage experience at a local Akita restaurant)


【Ishimago Honten】

On the second day, we will visit Ishimago Honten in the morning, a miso and soy sauce brewery founded in 1855. It has been registered as a "nationally registered cultural property'' because it shows the changes in architectural styles from the Meiji to Taisho periods.

Because the miso brewing season and soy sauce brewing season are separated during the year, the content you can see differs depending on the tour season. Through a tour of the brewery, you can learn about soy sauce and miso, which are the basics of Japanese food.


【Ishimago Honten】

Japanese food has become increasingly popular around the world, and SUSHI and MISO SOUP and etc. have now become world foods. However, I don't think many people know how soy sauce and miso are made. In this tour you will experience the "soy sauce and miso tasting'' that can only be done in Japan. You also can try your hand at making miso balls that you can easily try at home.


【Hinomaru Brewery】


Masuda town, Yokote City, where "Hinomaru Jozo" is located, is one of the areas with the heaviest snowfall in Japan, and there are many buildings with "kura(internal warehouse)" inside buildings, and the townscape is full of traditional architecture. It is reminiscent of traditional Japanese life.

Of course, there are "kura(internal warehouse)"  inside Hinomaru Brewery brewery as well. A tour of a sake brewery not only allows you to learn about sake brewing, but also the unique culture of the region.


【Hinomaru Brewery】

On the second day, you will learn about "pairing" while relaxing in a special Japanese-style room inside the brewery. Although it can be called Japanese sake, there are many different aromas and tastes. Learn what kind of food goes well with different types of sake. After learning about pairing, you will actually enjoy a marriage lunch of sake and food.


【Experience Akita food】

“Iburigakko” is one of the special foods of Akita Prefecture. This smoky aroma is different from other pickles and is truly a dish unique to Akita. By experiencing this Iburigakko brewing process and thinking together about "`What kind of sake goes well with Iburigakko?'', you can learn more about Japanese sake marriage.


【Enjoy Akita's sake and food】

On the second night, we will return to Akita city and enjoy Akita's food and culture at the same time. Here you can also enjoy Akita's famous sake that you couldn't get around to on sake brewery tourism.

​​DAY 3

  • 9:30    : Departure from Hotel Metropolitan Akita

  • 9:45-10:30 : Akita Station souvenir time

  • 11:00        :Depart from Akita Station

  • 15:00         : Arrive at Tokyo Station

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